Published 11:26 IST, February 1st 2025
PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana: All you Need To Know | Budget 2025
Among multiple announcements, she also said the government is launching 'PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana'.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented her 8th budget on February 1, 2025, 11 am onwards.
Among multiple announcements, she also said the government is launching 'PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana'.
The FM called it “developing agri-districts program”.
It is “Motivated by the success of aspirational district program.” said Sitharaman.
She added, the scheme will be executed, "Through the convergence of existing schemes and specialised measures,
the program will cover 200 districts with low productivity,moderate crop intensity, and below average credit parameters."
PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana : Reasons For Implementation
Sitharaman said PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana is needed for the following reasons:
- Enhance agriculture productivity
- Adopt crop diversification and sustainable agriculture.
- Augment post harvest storage at panchayat and block level.
- Improve irrigation facilities
- Facilitate availability of short term and long term credit.
PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana : Details
The government will run the Dhan-Dhanya scheme in tandem with the states. Under the scheme, 1.7 crore farmers will benefit.
It will help develop rural prosperity an resilience.
“Comprehensive multi-sectoral rural prosperity and resilience program will be launched in partnership wit the states.”, the minister said.
This address under-employment in agriculture through skilling, investment, technology, and invigorating rural areas.
the goal is to make rural areas so self sufficient that migration is an option not a necessity.
The program will focus on rural women, young farmers, marginal and small farmers, and landless families.
Agriculture in India
India has about 195 million hectares of cultivated land, with 63 per cent rain-fed and 37 per cent irrigated.
Agriculture employs a large portion of India's workforce. In 2020–2021, it employed more than half of the country's workforce.
Agriculture contributed 20.2 per cent to India's GDP in 2020–2021.
Updated 13:16 IST, February 1st 2025